Veronica Vidal is a Certified Life and Relationship Coach, and an International Yoga Master with more than 25 years of experience. Through her holistic approach programs, eBook, and retreats, she’s helped thousands of women succeed in life and in love by teaching them the “Tools” – Tools that work quickly and effortlessly to change a struggling life and love into Happy Ever After.
Each decade or stage of adult life in a woman, brings a new purpose. From being a student, to being a career woman; becoming a parent, and raising a family as a wife, or as a single mother.
Millennials are a diverse cohort of college students and 20-somethings. The 20’s are a critical developmental phase for making a successful transition from dependent college kid to flourishing adult.
-Learn exactly how men and relationships really work and how to stop the “emotional relationship rollercoaster” for good!
-Embody their innate FEMININE ENERGY so they can reconnect their relationship – or attract high quality masculine men.
-Learn how to COMMUNICATE honesty and effectively- in a way that inspires a man to get closer and fall deeper in love.
-Stop feeling anxious and insecure and get their confidence back.
-Undo patterns of behavior that push men and love away.
-Recognize patterns of behavior that sabotage happiness.
-Learn exactly what to do and what NOT to do to quickly turn their relationships and life around – permanently!